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Good people are hard to come by. Identifying and partnering up

with such individuals/teams is the essential building block of Cresta’s business. 


Managers with a clear vision and passion for investing, typically deploying one specialised value strategy with a focus upon performance over and above asset gathering.  




Consistency in the investment methodology and business practices yet adaptability in order to navigate the ever changing investment environment.



Avoid managers chasing the latest investment fad. We like managers who avoid noise and crowded trades.


The pre-requisites of professionalism, pragmatism and above all integrity.

Cresta Capital Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN: 414856

Registered as a limited company in England - Company No 3898698

Cresta Westhall LLP is a licenced Broker Dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a member firm of FINRA and SIPC. CRD 164986. Registered as a Limited Liability Partnership in England. Company No OC375865.  For details of Cresta Westhall’s Business Continuity Plan and AML Plan please see

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